Advice for Young Carers

Time for you

As a young carer, making time for yourself is really important.  It is not selfish to want a break.  You need to have a break from your caring responsibilities, to do the things you enjoy and just have some fun!

We can help you find groups and activities that will give you the chance to take time out and make time for yourself.  There are groups across Norfolk that are specially aimed at young carers where you can meet other children and young people who understand what it is like to care for someone.  Or you may want to do something completely different.

You may be worried about how your family will manage without you, the cost or how you will get to the groups and activities.  But we can help you with all of these things.

Get in touch by phone on 0800 083 1148 and tell us what you want to do.  We will do our very best to help.