

Further guidance, information and advice can be found in the following documents/websites:

Supporting Young Carers in Norfolk – A Toolkit for Professionals (updated Nov 2022) – With key facts and statistics, potential indicators that someone might be a young carer, the legal framework, useful resources and how to access support, this toolkit is essential reading for any professional working with children, young people and families. It has been created in partnership with Norfolk County Council, Voluntary Norfolk, Caring Together and Just One Norfolk.

Young Carer Emergency Planning template

FYI Norfolk: This provides trusted help, advice and information for 11 to 24 year olds

A Day in the Life of – template  This tool has been developed by Norfolk County Council family support practitioners to support assessment with children and young people that may have been identified as a young carer.

Norfolk Young Carers Needs Assessment Guide – Jun 2020

Carers Handbook: The Carers Matter Norfolk Handbook contains useful links to other support available to carers including practical help with caring, money matters and how to look after your own health and wellbeing.

Carers Self Help Hub The Carers Self-Help Hub is an online platform for unpaid carers. It brings together, in one place, online learning to support carers to manage the practical and emotional aspects of caring, as well as their own health and wellbeing.