Advice for Young Carers

Making an Emergency Plan

Being a young carer can be difficult at the best of times, but it can be extra hard if something unexpected happens, either to yourself or the person you are caring for.  What happens if their health condition deteriorates? What happens if you are unwell yourself and unable to care?

Planning ahead can help you manage these changes by being prepared and knowing what to do and, if necessary, who to ask for help.  This is why we are encouraging all Young Carers to make an Emergency Plan.

If you put an Emergency Plan in place, you and your family will find it easier to get the extra support you need quickly.  You’ll get help not only with the crisis or emergency but also helping you to carry on going to school, meet with your friends, look after your own health and emotional wellbeing.

The plan works best if it involves everyone who would normally support you and your family and we can help with this. We can talk to people like teachers and pastoral support at your school, a social worker involved with the person you care for but most importantly we talk with you and your family as you are the experts in your caring role and your family.

Having a plan in place can reduce the worry for you and your family.  You can write your own scenarios using this Young Carer Emergency Planning template or our Family Care Practitioners can help you make a plan and form your support network.

To get help writing your Emergency Plan, get in touch – call us on 0800 083 1148. Our telephone lines are open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday and all calls are free.