Advice for Parents

Getting a Young Carers Needs Assessment for your child

Young carers are legally entitled to an assessment of their needs.  The Children Act 1989 s.17 amended by the Children and Families Act 2014 s.96 states that:

(1) A local authority in England must assess whether a young carer within their area has needs for support and, if so, what those needs are, if

(a) it appears to the authority that the young carer may have needs for support, or

(b) the authority receives a request from the young carer or a parent of the young carer to assess the young carer’s needs for support.

The Needs Assessment will look at the caring responsibilities of the young carer and how they are affecting their school, health and wellbeing.  The Needs Assessment will help identify what support the young carer and/or other family members need, and how to access it.

If you would like to arrange a Needs Assessment for the young carer in your family, please get in touch.  You can call us free of charge (Monday- Friday, 9am-5pm) on 0800 083 1148.