Advice for Parents

Making an emergency plan

We encourage all young carers and their families to make an Emergency Plan, to think about and plan ahead for what to do in an emergency.   This helps everyone in the family be prepared, know what to do and, if necessary, who to ask for help. 

Possible scenarios that you might want to think about:

  • What happens if you/the person they are caring for needs to go to hospital? 
  • What happens if your young carer is unwell and unable to care?
  • What happens if there is a fire, or they get locked out of the house?
  • What happens if they miss a bus home from a school?
  • What happens if their/your phone is out of signal/credit.

You can write your own emergency Plan using this Young Carer Emergency Planning template or our Family Care Practitioners can help, by thinking through and discussing possible scenarios and solutions.  Call us free of charge (Monday- Friday, 9am-5pm) on 0800 083 1148.